Call for Nominations of New Members to the Polar Academy 2023

The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research (NVP) welcome nominations of new Academy members in 2023.

Individual Norwegian members to NVP are Norwegian citizens who have carried out independent scientific work in polar research or have specifically contributed to the advancement of polar research (§5.2.). Individual foreign members may be admitted by the same criteria (§5.3.)

Candidates must be persons who have carried out independent scientific work in polar research or who specifically have contributed to the advancement of polar research.

Nominations must be supported by at least two Academy members and justified. Nominations must include: The candidate’s resume, their position, scientific/professional expertise and experience, roles in international cooperation, and their relevant production as publications or similarly.

Nominations should be submitted using the template available on our website.

Nominations must be sent to the Academy’s secretariat via e-mail on

Deadline for submitting nominations is 15 October 2023.

For further information about nominations, click here.


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