13 new members have been elected during the Annual Meeting 2017

It is a pleasure to inform that thirteen (13) new members were elected  during the Academy’s Annual Meeting in Trondheim, Norway 1st December 2017.

The Academy has now 148 individual members from 19 countries in addition to the eight institutional members who contribute with relevant knowledge and expertise.

The new members are:

Name Institution Department
Boetius, Antje Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Borch, Odd Jarl Nord University Nord University Business School
Bourmistrov, Anatoli Nord University Department “Economic Analysis and Accounting”, Nord University Business School
Fer, Ilker University of Bergen Geophysical Institute
Kramvig, Britt UiT The Arctic University of Norway Department of Tourism & Northern Studies
Laberg, Jan Sverre UiT The Arctic University of Norway Department of Geosciences
Lovecraft, Amy Lauren University of Alaska Fairbanks Department of Political Science
Lynch, Amanda Brown University Institute at Brown for Environment and Society
Nilsson, Annika Stockholm Environment Institute
Poppel, Birger University of Greenland Institute of Social Science, Economics & Journalism
Sagen, Hanne Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
Schomacker, Anders UiT The Arctic University of Norway Department of Geology
Tennberg, Monica University of Lapland Arctic Sustainable Development Research Group

It is our intention that the Academy shall be the central node in the network of international academies and scientific organizations related to research and education in the Polar Regions, both north and south. The Annual Meeting 2017 therefore challenged the members to participate in the nomination of membership candidates, thereby assisting us in seeking gender balance and diversity in expertise within both Polar Regions. There is a need to strengthen membership with expertise from Antarctica and to encourage cooperation with the private sector for exchange of information and views and development of joint projects for ultimate mutual benefits.

The Academy’s ambitious vision is enhancing polar science for the benefit of mankind. We look very much forward to a fruitful cooperation on this.


Activity Plan 2018


Professor Ove Tobias Gudmestad has been awarded as the recipient of the 2018 Jin S. Chung Award