Annual Meeting 2025
Members of the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research is hereby invited to the Annual Meeting 2025.

Current challenges in Arctic research – how to achieve continued cooperation
Join the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research for a seminar focused on the current challenges and opportunities in Arctic research and the pursuit of sustained international cooperation.

NVP International Summer School 2024
An interdisciplinary PhD and Postdoc summer school in Longyearbyen and Isfjord Radio, Svalbard. Hosted by the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research (NVP), in cooperation with The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS).

Annual Meeting 2024
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

50 år siden isbjørnen ble fredet – foredrag med Thor S. Larsen og Jon Aars
I anledning 50-års jubileet for Isbjørnavtalen vil biologene Thor S. Larsen og Jon Aars holde et foredrag om isbjørnfredningen.

UNIS fra fortid til fremtid - en samtale
I forbindelse med UNIS’ 30-årsjubileum, inviterer vi deg til en eksklusiv samtale med nøkkelpersoner som har vært sentrale i UNIS’ historie og utvikling.

Åpent seminar: Den livgivende Golfstrømmen - inn i Polhavet
Polarakademiet ønsker velkommen til et engasjerende seminar om Golfstrømmens betydning for klima, økosystemer og geopolitikk i Arktis.

Security and preparedness in the changing north - research perspectives
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research arrange a two-day symposium on climate change in the Arctic.