Perspective Article: Population increase impacts the climate, using the sensitive Arctic as an example

The Perspective Article «Population increace impacts the climate,using the sensetive Arctic as an exampel» by Ola M. Johannessen and Elena V. Shalina was recently publiched in the journal Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters.

It is well establiched that it is the population which causes the increace of CO2 in the atmospher and the study show that it is a perfect correlation between the population and the the CO2 in the atmosphere at least during the period 1963-2019.This study has for the first time correlated the population with the sea ice extent (SIE) and the surface air temperature (SAT) in order to understand more clearly that it is the population increace which is the problem.It is shown that 96 % of the decline of SIE and 80 % of the increace of SAT in the period 1963-2019 can be explained by the increace of population.The population is projected to be about 10 billion in 2100 and when this is used as an input to the regression equations between the SIE and the population more that 8 million squared kilometer still remains on and annual base in the Arctic, no «tipping point» will occur. Furthermore it is also put forward a new hypothesis that the
summer Ice also will remain if the Paris  Agreement can be reached. This article really show that it also very important to attemt to limit the population increace in addition to the CO2 emmision and implementing at an  exponential rate the renewable energy,a formidable challenge in this centry.

  • By Ola M. Johannessen, Nansen Scientific Society, Bergen, and Elena V. Shalina, Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, St. Petersburg, Russia / Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg State University, Russia.

  • Click here to read the article.


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