NVP International Summer School 2020 - Postponed until 2021

During the last days, there has been rapid development in the situation regarding the Coronavirus. Health and safety is of the highest priority all around the world.

Due to the global outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research has decided to cancel the 2020 International Summer School and postponed to next year (June 2021).

We have received 61 applications from candidates from 25 different countries and the uncertainty around the global situation would make difficult to move forward to organize the participation of the selected candidates.

The NVP International Summer School is organized in cooperation with UNIS – The University Centre in Svalbard and we follow UNIS’ contingency plans for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) based on the advisories from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and local authorities in Longyearbyen.

The committee will still move forward and review all applications, those who are considered as qualified will receive an email in a couple of weeks’ time where we will suggest to keep an open application for next year and we will keep them informed about the plans moving forward. This doesn’t mean that you will be admitted but that we would like to keep your application in our files, and you will receive regular information from the Academy regarding the Summer School program. At a later stage this year, you will be asked if you want to keep your application active or not. If you do not hear form us by the end of this month, this means your application was not qualified for participation.

In these difficult times, we would like to encourage you to follow the recommendations you receive from your local authorities to keep you and those around you healthy.


GoNorth - Exploring the Arctic Ocean


10 new members were elected during the Annual Meeting 2019