Nomination of candidates for membership 2018

Individual Norwegian members to NVP are Norwegian citizens who have carried out independent scientific work in polar research or specifically have contributed to the advancement of polar research (§5.2.) Individual foreign members may be admitted by the same criteria (§5.3.)

The recruitment of new individual members to NVP shall seek a balance between disciplines and expertise. Strengthening of interdisciplinary expertise and expertise on Antarctica is recommended. Female membership is to be enhanced.

Members of NVP may nominate candidates for individual membership. Such candidates must be persons who have carried out independent scientific work in polar research or who specifically have contributed to the advancement of polar research.

Nominations has to be supported by at least two members and must be submitted according to the template for the process to NVP’s Secretariat, e-mail, before October 15 each year. The Secretariat shall forward the nominations to NVP’s New Members Committee. The Committee shall consider the nominations and present its recommendations to NVP’s Board no later than two weeks prior to NVP’s Annual Meeting. Admission of new members is decided by the Board and presented to the Annual Meeting.

The Board look forward to receive your nominations for 2018.


International PhD School “Russia in the Arctic Dialogue: Local and Global Context”


In Memoriam: Thorvald Stoltenberg