A new book published by the BBVA Foundation presents the multidisciplinary vision of 30 leading experts on the Arctic meltdown and its global repercussions

“Whither the Arctic Ocean? Research, Knowledge Needs, and Development en Route to the New Arctic”, a new book about the Arctic edited by Academy member Paul Wassmann.

The Arctic is one of the planet’s command centers. The events unfolding in its frozen ocean determine sea level, ocean currents and numerous other processes that affect every continent. And it is changing fast. The impact of climate change is more patent in the Arctic than in any other place. The new Arctic will have less ice, different species and an increased human presence; changes that go beyond the strictly environmental with potential to transform the world both economically and geopolitically. The book Whither the Arctic Ocean?, published by the BBVA Foundation, presents the vision of 30 leading world experts on this region so vital to our planet’s survival. In the words of its editor, marine ecologist Paul Wassmann, it is a work whose distinctive value lies in a novel multidisciplinary approach that is “indispensable for a sustainable future.” Read the full press realise.

The book is available for free downloading in the BBVA Foundation site.

Contributions from several members of the Academy, including:

  • Robert W. Corell

  • Lars-Otto Reiersen

  • Alf Håkon Hoel

  • Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

  • Gunnar Sand

  • Rolf Mjelde

  • Matthias Forwick

  • Henry P. Huntington

  • Grete K. Hovelsrud


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