The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research is the world’s only scientific academy that concentrates on the polar regions and related challenges within all scientific disciplines and in an international perspective.
Norway’s King Harald is the Academy’s patron.
Founding of the Academy
The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research was founded in Oslo on March 27th 2008 by 11 Norwegian polar researchers, all professors. The first elected board consists of professor Ola M. Johannessen, Nansen Centre and University of Bergen (President), professor Willy Østreng, Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Vice-president), professor Rolf Langvatn, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, professor Gudmund Hernes, FAFO/Norwegian School of Management, and at that time managing director Gunnar Sand, The University Centre in Svalbard (Secretary General).
Picture from the founding meeting: Below Fridtjof Nansen, from left: Professor emeritus Alv Egeland (UiO), managing director Gunnar Sand (UNIS), professor Rolf Langvatn (NTNU), professor Gudmund Hernes (FAFO/BI), professor emeritus Ivar B. Ramberg (UiO), professor Willy Østreng (Centre for Advanced Study) and professor Ola M. Johannnessen (Nansen Centre/UiB)
The following individuals, all professors and members of other scientific academies, took the initiative to establish the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research on 27 March 2008:
Bo Andersen, managing director, Norwegian Space Centre
Asgeir Brekke, professor, University of Tromsø
Alv Egeland, professor emeritus, University of Oslo
Gudmund Hernes, professor, FAFO/Norwegian School of Management
Ola M. Johannessen, professor, Nansen Centre/University of Bergen
Rolf Langvatn, professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Sveinung Løset, professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Jøran Moen, professor, University of Oslo
Ivar B. Ramberg, professor emeritus, University of Oslo
Olaf I. Rønning, professor emeritus, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Willy Østreng, professor, Centre for Advanced Study
Our Mission
Polar Advancement
Promote research and education in polar regions.
Contribute to the understanding of environment- and climate changes and human activities that are affected and are impacted by these.
Enhancing Environmental Understanding
Collaborative Polar Exploration
Stimulate national and international cooperation and multi-disciplinary polar research.
Promote Arctic Sustainability
Encourage sustainable development on Svalbard and in the Northern regions.
Polar Insights and Engagement
Contribute to scientific knowledge about the Polar Regions and their inhabitants and outreach to national and international decision makers, business and the public.
Enhancing Polar Research Expertise
Contribute to increase the competence at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) and in the polar research community in general.
Academy members must have a distinguished career in polar research or in other ways contributed to the advancement of polar research.
The Academy will function as a contact organisation for research in the Arctic and Antarctic and between foreign academies and international scientific organisations.
The Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research (NVP) collaborate with numerous scientific organizations, both in Norway and internationally.
Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi
Agder Vitenskapsakademi
Det Kongelige Norske Videnskapers Selskap
Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi
Academia Borealis, Nord-Norges Vitenskapsakademi
Academia Europaea, Bergen Knowledge Hub
Akademiet for yngre forskere
Vitenskapsakademiet i Stavanger
Norwegian Science Academies
Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien
Russian Geographical Society
Polar Research Board | National Academies
The B2BI North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean Strategic Framework
International Collaboration